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What is a quilt? What does it mean to quilt?

Kris O'Neill

Updated: Jun 25, 2020

Ever feel like you are lost in a conversation when someone is talking about quilts, quilting, or quilters? Read on for some clarification about the craft I love.

Let's start by grouping people into two categories: Non-Quilters and Quilters.

What is a quilt?

Non-Quilter's Definition: Non-quilters use the word quilt to describe almost all blankets, regardless of whether or not that are actually quilts. They call bed covering, blankets, bed spreads, comforters, and more quilts.

Quilter's Definition: Quilters, on the other hand, are pretty sensitive when it comes to the definition of a quilt (fair warning). It is a specific type of blanket that is made up of a top, middle, and bottom held together with stitches.

Let's Review:

If you tell non-quilters, "Hey, hand me a quilt," you will get any ol' fabric covering. If you tell quilters, "Hey, hand me that quilt," you will indeed be handed an actual quilt and will be told its entire history, make-up, design, fabric collection used, creation story, and more. Again, fair warning. Smile.

What does it mean to quilt?

Non-Quilter's Definition: Little old women sewing by hand, working in a circle while wearing bonnets and aprons. This word is often connected to Quilting Bee, which are often confused with Quilt Guild (that's an entirely different post for a future date0.

Quilter's Definition: Aww, see, now it gets more complicated. To quilt, in its actually meaning, is hold quilt top, middle (fluffy stuff called batting) and backing together with stitches, BUT there's more. We, as quilters, also use the word interchangeably with all aspects of the craft, from picking and cutting fabric to putting it all together.

Let's Review:

1. You don't have to be neither old nor a woman to be a quilter. 2. Quilters like to confuse people by calling stuff quilting when it means many different things. We are sneaky like that.

I hope this helped clear up some misconceptions about quilting.

Here is an example of quilting in a quilt. These are done by hand, but quilting can also be done by machine.


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