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Lessons from an Old Nine Patch Quilt

Kris O'Neill

I purchased this quilt at an auction, along with 10 other quilts. I just love this one! The colors, the textures, the construction--it is an amazing quilt!

This quilt has taught me so much! Here is an overview of this amazing old nine patch quilt:

Measurement: 72" x 80"

Block: Nine Patch

Block Size: 5.25" square

One of the most interesting aspect to this quilt is the placement of the scrappy nine-patch blocks. Notice how the colors and blocks are clustered together in the rows. Although they don't all extend the length of the quilt (notice the yellow blocks), they do stick together in groupings.

As a maker myself, my first inclination would be to distribute them. This maker did not. What a wonderful idea! There is always so much to learn.

How was it made:

This quilt is almost all made by hand, except for the binding. It may have been added later. There is some evidence that the quilt was completed later because of the binding and because of the unusual quilting on the borders of this quilt. It looks like someone continued the quilting, as if to keep the continuity of the quilt.

Condition of the Quilt:

This quilt is in excellent condition with only a few holes that are easily repaired.

Unusual Batting

The batting used (if you want to call that) is a floral flannel sheet. As you can see, the image on the sheet shows through the backing of this quilt, and a bit on the front, if you look hard though. :)

What a wonderful idea to use a flannel sheet for the batting. Of course I realize this isn't a new idea, but it is still interesting when you find an example in your quilt collection.

Lessons We Can Learn from this Maker:

  1. Block and Color Placement: What a wonderful idea to cluster the colors/blocks together! I am going to try this!

  2. Pink Sashing: WOW, the pink sashing just makes this pop. Would you have put pink sashing with these blocks?

  3. Batting Choice: Flannel sheet for batting? What a great idea! Although the pattern on the sheet shows through the front and the back of this quilt, it also adds some charm. Well, at least in my opinion.



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