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  • Kris O'Neill

Sewing Organization Challenge, Week 14: Zippers

Welcome to a new month in our Sewing Organization Challenge. This month we will focus on sewing findings which will include things like buttons, snaps, ribbon, hardware, zippers, and more.

To get this month's theme started, we will be focusing on zippers.

If you are like me, you have a ton of these, and they are all over the place. Let's get them organized so we find what we need when we need it.

Here is the video and below are some more details.

This week's tasks:

  1. Gather all of your zippers into one place and sort them. Decide which you are going to keep and which you are going to donate or even toss. Do not feel guilty about thi

s! You deserve a nice space to sew.

  1. Organize your zippers. This could be by color (my preference), by size, brings, usage, whatever! Just make sure to organize these in a way that makes sense to you.

  2. Containerize them in some way. This is the perfect time to check out Pinterest because there are SO MANY ways to organize/containerize your zippers! Here are a few ideas:

    1. Use clips to keep colors together. Hang the clips on hooks.

    2. Use a pants hanger to do the same thing.

    3. Stack them in a project container.

    4. Bundle them together using salvages (this is what I am going to do).

    5. And many, many other ideas!

  3. FUN TASK: Make a zipper pouch!

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