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Sewing Organization Challenge, Week 2

Kris O'Neill

Welcome back to my blog! How did last week's challenge go? Did you give your sewing machine some much-deserved love? I hope so! I took my own advice and tried something new with my machine. I actually made a button hole and sewed a button on USING MY MACHINE! It was so empowering! I think I am going to try something new with my machine each week until I know everything it can do.

Can you believe it? The button hole itself was easy and fun, but sewing the button on with the machine was stressful. On my machine, I had to line everything up just right. I was nervous I would break my needle, so that isn't worth it, but the button hole is! I will definitely do this again.

So onto this week--

This Month's Theme: Tools

This Week's Theme: Things that Measure and Cut

Questions to ask yourself: What tools do I need for the type of sewing I do? Can I get my hands on the tools I need easily? Does everything have a home?

Here are your tasks for this week:

1. Gather Up All the Tools: all of your cutting and measuring tools together and sort them into three categories: keep, donate, and throw out.

Keep: only things that work well and that you will use.

Donate: only things that are still working and/or are useful to others; don't donate things that don't work. It will just add frustration to the next owner.

Throw Out: Anything that doesn't work. Don't keep garbage. You are more valuable that that. You deserve good tools. ,

2. Storage Tools Appropriately: Put your tools away near where you use them. Tools that aren't used often, store further from your sewing area. For example, pinking shears are a tool I don't use often. I can store then on a shelf. That said, I use my Kay Buckley scissors all the time. I will store them close to my sewing area.

3. Tool Maintenance: Make sure the tools you are keeping are in good working order. Sharpen/clean/replace blades, oil moving parts, wipe down rulers, etc. Again, you deserve nice things!

4. Use it or Lose it: You know those tools you never use? Maybe they are still in the package like some of mine? Break out those tools and use them this week. If you don't like them, donate them. You may just find your new favorite tool this week! How cool will that be?

5. Return Tools to Their Homes: Get into a habit of returning tools to their designated homes. It will be worth it!

Next week we will be talking about needles, pins, clips, and tape. Looking forward to seeing you then!



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