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Week 11: Sewing Patterns

Kris O'Neill

Updated: May 13, 2021

How did you do last week organizing your books? It is so hard to part with books, isn't it? I had trouble doing it, too, but I managed to donate a box full to an organization who will resell them and help others with the proceeds.

As you know, this month (May) is all about inspiration. Last week we discussed quilt books. This week we are focusing on sewing patterns. I have a ton of these, too! Some I have made over and over, some I intend to make, and others I will never make.

Above is some of my patterns. I also have printed patterns (purchased online and printed), patterns I have written, and all those free patterns you can get. Time to get them sorted and organized!


In this week's video, I will discuss tips on organizing and sorting your patterns, along with tips on reading and using patterns. Here is this week's video:

Your tasks for this week's challenge:

1. Gather up all your patterns in one place and start going through them.

Like always: SORT into three piles:

  • Donate/Sell

  • Shred (more on this below)

  • Keep

2. Pick a pattern or two (or three or four) and mail them to friends. It will make their day! Include a sweet "thinking of you" note, too. It is a wonderful gesture, especially since we all feel a bit isolated from our quilting friends. I miss guild meetings and quilt shows. I am sure you do, too.

3. Get all the pattern pieces together

Sometimes pattern pieces get separated and are just stuffed into drawers, bins, or just piles. Gather up all your pieces and get them in the right bag, envelope, or file.

4. Shred those copies!

This is a tricky subject--I know. But making copies of patterns and sharing them with friends is an infringement on the copyright laws, and honestly (I know many won't want to hear this) it is stealing. It is someone else's ideas and they put a lot of hard work into creating patterns. Please consider shredding those copies and purchasing the actual pattern.



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