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Week 24: Sewing with Others ~ Sewing Organization Challenge

Kris O'Neill

Theme for August: Maintenance and Application

This Week's Topic: Sewing with Others

The sense of community between quilters is like no other. We love getting together with others, working on our own projects while being with other quilts, and working on collaborative projects together for a common goal. We usually work with others in three different ways:

1. Quilt Guild Meetings

2. Sit and Sew Events

3. Quilt Retreats

Here is a link to this week's video:

How can we be organized and ready to go for each of these?

Quilt Guild Meetings: Let's start here because to me, guilds are one of the most helpful places a quilter can go. It is where I learned to quilt, actually! The members not only offer classes and speakers and trunk shows, they also are a wealth of knowledge. Never tried appliqué but want to learn? Asl your guild members who can teach you. Want to learn to tie a quilt? Ask at you guild meeting. Someone there knows and is really great at it!

But I digress--let's talk about what to bring to a quilt guild meeting, other than your questions. I keep a bag ready to go guild meetings with most of the things listed below. If I need to add something before the next, I just pop it in the bag. Here is a list of other things I bring:

  • Notebook

  • Something to write with (pen or pencil)

  • Small Calendar

  • Post Its for reminders when I get home or to give someone my number

  • Membership information (I just like to keep it in my bag)

  • Leave it/take it stuff

  • Books and/or tools to return to the lending library

  • Membership card

  • Nametag

  • Handwork of some kind

  • Some cash for raffles or venders

  • Snack to share

  • Water Bottle

My Quilt Guild Bag

Sit and Sew Events

These events can happen at quilt shops, guild-sponsored events, or friends just getting together. For these, it all depends on what you need for the project you are working on. So, here's some tips for this type of event:

  1. Have a goal in mind. Are you working together on one project? Are you working individually? This will help you come up with your goal.

  2. Bring only what you need. Don't over pack. Overpacking will stop you from being as productive as you can.

  3. Prepare: Cut fabric ahead of time, wind bobbins, pre-thread needles if hand sewing, etc.

  4. Grab your guild bag! Some of the stuff that can be helpful is ready to go. :)

Quilt Retreats

Awww, RETREATS! My FAVORITE! Karen Brown just did a video about this, so I don't want to take away any of her great ideas, but I do want to offer some tips:

  1. Plan Your Projects: You ALWAYS think you are going to get more completed than you do. With this in mind, I limit the amount of projects I bring with me and forgive myself if I don't get as much finished as I thought I would.

  2. Be Comfortable: Bring a comfy chair, a seat cushion/pillow, and your slippers. Being comfortable is important.

  3. Make a List: Make a list of what you need to bring. Make sure you also look at the list before you come home.

Your Homework:

  1. Create Packing Lists: Create a master packing list for events you know you are going to be attending. Do this now, so you don't have to think about it when the time comes. I do this with a lot of things. It is extremely helpful and takes the guesswork out the process.

  2. Pack a Guild Bag: Make sure you have everything you need to go.

  3. FUN TASK: If it is safe to do so, sign up for a quilt retreat or a sit and sew. You will be happy you did! If you can't get together in a group, invite a quilty friend over to sew. It is fun getting together with others.



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